immigration, race, and culture

Afropolitan Projects: African immigrant identities and solidarities in the United States Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(2): 248 – 266, 2018.


Women’s football and gendered nationalism in Ghana, Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 9(2): 1-24.

“Whiteness and gendered violence on the rugby pitch” in Hélène Joncheray (editor) Women, sports, and physical activity: Women in rugby, Routledge, 2021.

“For a sociology of women’s sport on the African continent” in Elizabeth Pike (editor), Research Handbook on Sport and Society, Edward Elgar, 2021.

Voetsek! Get[ting] lost: African sportswomen in “the sporting black diaspora.” International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55(7): 868 – 883, 2020.

“Are you a footballer?” The radical potential of women’s football at the national level, in SN Nyeck (editor), Routledge Handbook of Queer African Studies, 2020, pp. 76 – 89.

“We’re, like, a cute rugby team”: How whiteness and heterosexuality shape women’s sense of belonging in rugby”. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52(2): 209 – 222, 2017.

“They are like badges of honour”: Embodied respectability and women rugby players’ experiences of their bruises. Sport in Society, 19(10): 1489 – 1502, 2017.

“Periodically I pondered over it”: Reading the absence/presence of women in Beyond a Boundary in David Gair, Dave Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg, and Andy Smith (editors) Marxism, Colonialism, and Cricket: C.L.R. James’ Beyond a Boundary. Durham: Duke University Press, 2018, pp. 123 – 136.

“Black female athletes as space invaders” in Jennifer Hargreaves and Eric Anderson (Eds). Routledge Handbook of Sports, Gender and Sexuality. London: Routledge, 2014, [with Ben Carrington], pp. 189 – 198.  


“Erotic ethnography: Sex, spirituality, and embodiment in qualitative research,” Journal of Men’s Studies, 30(3): 383-401, 2022.

Invading ethnography: A queer of color reflexive practice. Ethnography, 20(1): 27 – 46, 2019.  

book reviews

Working class homosexuality in South African History: Voices from the Archive. (2020: South Africa: HSRC Press) by Iain Edwards and Marc Epprecht, Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, Spring 2022.

Knowing women: Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender, and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana. (2021: Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press) by Serena O. Dankwa, Contemporary Journal of African Studies, Fall 2021.

Beyond Expectations: Second-generation Nigerians in the United States and Great Britain (2017: University of California Press) by Onoso Imoagene, Contemporary Sociology, 48(1): 70 - 72